Remote Desktop Into Ubuntu VPS

Remote Desktop Into Ubuntu VPS - Ubuntu server is a variant of the Ubuntu Linux distro. In this discussion and the next discussion, I will discuss CLI commands on Linux and server settings using ubuntu 12.10. But before discussing further Ubuntu server I will first introduce what is ubuntu server in FAQ format so that it is easier to understand.

Remote Desktop Into Ubuntu

I know ubuntu, but what is an ubuntu server? What's different?

Ubuntu server is Ubuntu designed to be installed on a server. The basic difference, in Ubuntu Server, is not available GUI. If you are using an ubuntu server it means you have to work with commands on a black screen which is often called the console. If you come from windows, then the ubuntu server looks like DOS.

What are the benefits? looks hard? 

For ordinary desktop users, obviously, there is no benefit, but for network admins, internet cafes, offices, servers, and web hosting companies, an Ubuntu server is an easy and free solution to build services such as file sharing, printer sharing, or web hosting.

Even though the Ubuntu server only uses the CLI (Command-line interface) it is not as difficult as you think because there are many tutorials and built-in help from the command itself. What is needed is the willingness to read manuals and learn English.

Do I have to pay to get an ubuntu server?

Ubuntu server is provided free of charge by Canonical (the company behind Ubuntu). You don't have to pay a penny. You can download it at or close it at

I rarely see companies using ubuntu servers, can you give a real example or not? 

Actually, if we browse every day, then most likely you are using the Ubuntu server indirectly. for example when you are in an internet cafe and take a movie on the server. Most likely the server is using ubuntu. Still in the internet cafe, when you are browsing so that the internet cafe usually installs a proxy server and the OS is usually Ubuntu.

Another example, if in your office there is a shared printer, it is possible that this printer server also uses ubuntu. The website you are currently accessing is also most likely using ubuntu as its hosting server. Even the cloud services that we often use such as Amazon also use ubuntu.

I see there is a version of Ubuntu that contains the word "LTS" and does not. What is the difference?

LTS stands for Long term support. Canonical will support LTS Version for 5 years. Meanwhile, if there is no LTS then the support is only 3 years.

I don't understand support, what form of support from canonical?

They will provide software updates and security bug fixes for the Ubuntu you are using. Updates and bug fixes are also provided free of charge.

I see the Ubuntu server is too complicated, can I learn the ubuntu server with the ubuntu-desktop version only?

Yes, again, the difference is in the presence or absence of a user interface. If you are more comfortable with the ubuntu desktop, you just need to install the server software needed. Suppose you want to create a file server, you can simply install samba and so on.

They say the server needs a large computer spec, what is the minimum spec for ubuntu?

The minimum specs only need a 1 GHz Processor (PIII) and 512 Ram with a 5GB hard drive is enough to learn. Just because there are words server does not mean it has to require high specs.

When I want to download, there are x86 and x86_64 versions, which one should I choose?

If your computer's processor is a 64-bit processor, then download the x86_64 version, but if you're not sure, just download the x86 32-bit version.

Ubuntu is Linux, after I can ubuntu server, my knowledge can be applied on other Linux servers such as Redhat or SuSE? 

Of course, when you learn the ubuntu server, the knowledge of how to set up and configure the server is almost the same for other distros. The difference between distributions only exists during server installation and package installation. When learning, deepen the concept, not memorize the order of installation and configuration.

I'm interested in learning about the ubuntu server, where can I start learning?

Many places to learn Ubuntu server, but the place that must be visited is the ubuntu server guide.

Remote Desktop Into Ubuntu VPS in GUI

The first thing make sure you are connected to your ubuntu server VPS using putty via ssh, and you are using not public key

If you log in ssh using a public key, change the ssh config settings so that you can log in using a password as follows:

sudo su

apt install nano

nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

find password authentication "no" change to "yes"

Ctrl + X then Y 

Then you have to do is update the ubuntu server with the following command

apt update && apt upgrade -y

After your ubuntu server has been updated and the next upgrade you need to do is install ubuntu gnome on your ubuntu VPS server how to enter the following command

apt install ubuntu-desktop -y

If it fails you can install ubuntu-desktop using tasks with the following command:

apt install tasksel -y


Then select Ubuntu Desktop by pressing the space bar and pressing the OK button

After installing the ubuntu-desktop is complete now it's time to install NoMachine on your windows which will later be used to remotely to the Ubuntu VPS server, you can download nomachine on the official website here:

wget -O nomachine.deb

sudo apt install ./nomachine.deb


Now enter your ubuntu VPS IP in nomachine windows, then you can use port NX 4000 or ssh port 22

Easy way to remote desktop into ubuntu vps

An easy way to do the command above you can use the following command will solve everything, you just have to wait until everything is finished

wget -O
chmod +x

If you don't like using nomachine, you can use rdp on windows, it's very easy to copy and paste the command below wait until it's finished. Then to connect the vps you have to open port 3389 on the vps service provider you are using

wget -O
chmod +x

If you can't open port 3389 you can use ngrok then use ngrok with port 3389 with commands like this ./ngrok tcp 3389

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